Pack 548 loves its camping trips!
Pack 548 loves its camping trips!
We're camping at Palmetto State Park from Friday, November 1 to Sunday, November 3.
We're camping at Palmetto State Park from Friday, November 1 to Sunday, November 3.
78 Park Rd 11, Gonzales, TX 78629
78 Park Rd 11, Gonzales, TX 78629
The campsites are right near the water with a large day use area, nature center, and lots of trails. Camping is open for your immediate family to enjoy. One tent per family allowed. We are limited on how many tents we can put in each campsite. Please let us know how many in your family are coming, and make payment to the pack's Venmo. The week of the campout, I will be sending out campsite assignments and schedule for Saturday. We will also be eating/cooking as a pack. We will avoid common allergies and have vegetarian options. The Pack will be providing all meals on Saturday and Sunday morning. Please eat before you come on Friday.
The campsites are right near the water with a large day use area, nature center, and lots of trails. Camping is open for your immediate family to enjoy. One tent per family allowed. We are limited on how many tents we can put in each campsite. Please let us know how many in your family are coming, and make payment to the pack's Venmo. The week of the campout, I will be sending out campsite assignments and schedule for Saturday. We will also be eating/cooking as a pack. We will avoid common allergies and have vegetarian options. The Pack will be providing all meals on Saturday and Sunday morning. Please eat before you come on Friday.
It's $25 per family and $10 per person for food.
It's $25 per family and $10 per person for food.
Helpful Information by Scout Life
Helpful Information by Scout Life
What to Pack
What to Pack